How to Avoid Common Home Selling Pitfalls?

Real estate, especially homes, are a very valuable asset that may be sold at one point in life, making it a very sensitive transaction with many pitfalls. Here are some of the common mistakes that can cause low sale prices, long selling periods as well as unnecessary stress to those involved in selling the property. 

By learning about these factors as well as potential risks and taking correct measures to avoid them, one can sell a property with little problem, explains Delray Beach FL real estate advisor Dr. Ross Kuflik.

How to Properly Price Your Home?

Among all these elements, the price you set for your home can definitely be considered as one of the most important ones. Pricing above the fair value is likely to scare off prospective buyers while setting a price below the fair value may make the goods or services cheaper than they are worth. 

To do this, conduct a CMA on similar homes within your area, allowing you to know the proper prices to charge for your services. Discuss with an actual estate agent that is familiar with your local area on a favorable but reasonable price to offer on the property.

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What is Curb Appeal and How Does It Benefit You?

The first thing that anyone facing your property sees is the outer face of your house hence it plays an important role. The bigger problem, however, is that ignoring curb appeal could have a serious depressing effect on the level of interest in your property.

Keep the lawn neat and clean to enhance their outlook; planting flowers, or adding some new colors to the front door can also make a big difference. Laymen should remember that even a few changes can help to attract more buyers.

Staging: Is It A Good Idea?

Staging makes it easier for the prospective buyers to imagine that they can live there, thus getting them closer to making a purchase. Go through personal possessions, transfer mess, and reorganize furniture that will enhance the beauty of the house. 

Hiring experts in property staging will be very important as they will be able to offer some more ideas and make the house more attractive to those who are interested. Small changes that can be implemented include; washing the linen and replacing them, or if the light bulb is out, replacing it.

How to Find the Right Agent? 

Finding the most appropriate real estate agent can be said to be one of the most crucial factors that may impact the sale of the house. Choose an agent who has successfully sold properties in the same locality, has positive recommendations due to his competence, and who clearly outlines his marketing strategies. A good agent shall act as an information gathering and processing unit, shall take care of the negotiations on behalf of the seller, and shall also work as a facilitating unit in the whole selling drive.


In order to evade common home selling mistakes, one needs to have proper strategies and goals, as well as seek help from professionals. Pricing the property correctly and not overcapitalization, beautifying the exterior and interior of the house, presenting the home in the best light with professional photos, disclosing any relevant information, negotiating professionally, marketing at the right time, taming emotions, and selecting the right agent will help deliver a successful home sale and the best return on investment.